Your family is our family.

At Olde Towne Animal Medical Center, we offer everything you need to keep your pet healthy from puppy care to senior wellness.

Services we offer include:

  • Preventative Medicine, including yearly exams and vaccinations
  • Surgery
  • Dentistry
  • State-of-the-Art Diagnostics
  • Pain Management, including acupuncture and laser therapy
  • Nutrition Counseling
dog, animal, portrait

Preventative Medicine

Preventative care is the best way to ensure a long, happy life for your pet!  We recommend annual exams for patients under 7 years of age, and twice yearly exams for patients over 7.

  • If you have the pleasure of just adopting a new puppy or kitten, they will need to be seen at 8, 12, and 16 weeks of age to get their complete round of vaccinations. Below are the recommended vaccinations for all pets.  Please note, rabies vaccines are required by law for all pets, whether they are indoor only or not!
  • Dogs – Rabies, Distemper-Adenovirus-Prainfluenza-Parvovirus (DAPP) combination vaccine, Leptospirosis, Bordetella
  • Cats – Rabies, Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis-Calicivirus-panleukopenia (FVRCP) combination vaccine, Feline Leukemia (for outdoor cats under the age of 7
Parasite Control
  • We recommend yearly heartworm testing for dogs and yearly fecal testing for dogs and cats.
  • We recommend year-round heartworm prevention for dogs. Heartworm has become more prevalent in our state due to our welcoming nature and importation of dogs from heartworm endemic areas.  We offer monthly chewable tablets as well as injectable prevention.  One injection gives year-round protection.  Tablets and injection also protect against intestinal parasites, which have been found to be prevalent at dog parks.
  • Flea & Tick control is also an important aspect of your pet’s healthcare.

Surgery – Soft Tissue and Orthopedic

We have a fully equipped surgery suite and our doctors have a combined 30+ years surgical experience with most surgical procedures (spays, neuters, tumor removals, abdominal surgery). 

We enlist the expertise of a board certified surgeon when orthopedic surgery is    required.  We also use state of the art monitoring equipment to ensure the utmost safety while your pet is under anesthesia:

  • Blood Pressure, Heart Rate and Respiratory monitoring
  • EKG
  • PulseOx
  • Temperature


Dental health is a very important part of your pet’s health!  Your pet’s oral health will be assessed during their yearly wellness exam, where brushing and other options will also be discussed.

Sometimes despite our best efforts, a dental cleaning under anesthesia is required. Our dentistry suite includes digital dental radiography, plus all of the instruments required to professionally clean your pet’s teeth and perform extractions as needed. 

Every month is Dental Health Month at OTAMC!  If you schedule your pet’s dental procedure within 30 days of their annual checkup, you qualify for 10% off the procedure (anesthesia, IV catheter with fluids, scaling and polishing, oral exam), as well as dental xrays, and post-operative pain medication if needed during recovery in the hospital.

State-of-the-Art Diagnostics

Our state-of-the-art diagnostics include:

  • In-house lab machines to run CBC, Chemistries, Thyroid and Cortisol levels
  • Access to outside labs to run more extensive labwork
  • Digital radiography
  • Ultrasound imaging

Pain Management

Pain management is one of our highest priorities, whether we are managing post-operative or acute pain, or chronic pain as your pet ages. Please contact to discuss all different types of pain management options, including acupuncture and laser therapy.

Nutrition Counseling

There are so many different nutrition options for pets these days! Nutrition counseling is an important part of what we do. Whether you want to discuss nutrition for your allergic dog, or your cat with kidney disease, or to discuss the dangers of a grain free diet, we are here to help!

Vet Visits

Next to you and your family, your veterinarian is one of the most important people in the life of your pet. The first visit to our veterinary hospital gives you and the doctor an opportunity to establish your pet’s baseline level of health, and may help to identify any potential long-term or chronic health problems. This visit can also confirm the health status identified when you purchased your animal friend.

When you meet with the doctor, be sure to discuss your daily care routines, home environment, and any anticipated problems or concerns you may have. Our veterinarian will examine your new pet to ensure healthy joints and muscles, examine eyes and ears, and evaluate heart and lungs.

Sometimes a visit to the veterinarian can be stressful for your pet. The best way to alleviate this is with positive reinforcement and happy visits. Please feel free to stop by when your pet does not need to see the doctor and associate our hospital with a positive experience. Our staff is experienced at handling animals of all sorts and will help to make your job much easier.

Go to for more information about annual Healthy Pet examinations.


Reach out to us to learn more about how we care for your pet (or schedule an appointment!). We’re excited to welcome you into the Olde Towne family.

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